Connecting the Health Insurance API to your Application

In order to get Claim data into your application, a participant must first connect their Health Insurance account with your application using TPA Stream’s API. The easiest way to accomplish this is by using our Connect Client Library.

Our Client Library is highly configurable and meant to be built directly into your application. Once embedded into your application, the client will allow the participant to select an Insurance Carrier from our list, enter their credentials, and verify them in realtime. Once they are connected, we will start receiving their Claim data asynchronously.

Retrieving Claim Data

Typically we begin receiving a participants claims within a minute or so after they connect their account using our Client Library. It can take anywhere from several minutes to several hours for us to receive all their claims, which are usually ordered by newest claims first.

There are several ways for you to get Claim Data into your application. If you want them as soon as possible, the quickest way to get them is by implementing our Connect Claim Webhook. You can also pull claims on demand using our REST API. Additionally, we can setup a daily CSV file feed to send all new claims via sFTP, FTPS, or to an S3 bucket. Contact to learn more.